“I glanced over it,” said he. “Honestly, I cannot congratulate you upon it”
The following list shows the titles in full of the sixty stories in the Sherlock Holmes Canon along with dates of first publication in the UK.
The prefix ‘The Adventure of’ is often omitted when referring to many of the stories in the Canon, usually for the sake of convenience or sometimes simply to save space. Prefixes are included in the list shown.
With two notable exceptions (A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four), all the stories were first published in the UK in The Strand Magazine.
To the right of each title you will find its equivalent abbreviation. These four letter/number keys aka codes were devised by US Sherlockian Jay Finley Christ.
For further information on first publication dates and sources in both the UK and the USA, click on this link.
For other countries, you will need to look beyond the confines of this website.
A Study in Scarlet STUD
Beeton’s Christmas Annual November 1887
The Sign of Four SIGN
Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine February 1890
A Scandal in Bohemia SCAN
The Strand Magazine July 1891
The Red-Headed League REDH
The Strand Magazine August 1891
A Case of Identity IDEN
The Strand Magazine September 1891
The Boscombe Valley Mystery BOSC
The Strand Magazine October 1891
The Five Orange Pips FIVE
The Strand Magazine November 1891
The Man with the Twisted Lip TWIS
The Strand Magazine December 1891
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle BLUE
The Strand Magazine January 1892
The Adventure of the Speckled Band SPEC
The Strand Magazine February 1892
The Adventure of the Engineer’s Thumb ENGR
The Strand Magazine March 1892
The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor NOBL
The Strand Magazine April 1892
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet BERY
The Strand Magazine May 1892
The Adventure of the Copper Beeches COPP
The Strand Magazine June 1892
Silver Blaze SILV
The Strand Magazine December 1892
The Adventure of the Cardboard Box CARD
The Strand Magazine January 1893
The Yellow Face YELL
The Strand Magazine February 1893
The Stock-broker’s Clerk STOC
The Strand Magazine March 1893
The “Gloria Scott” GLOR
The Strand Magazine April 1893
The Musgrave Ritual MUSG
The Strand Magazine May 1893
The Reigate Puzzle REIG
The Strand Magazine June 1893
The Crooked Man CROO
The Strand Magazine July 1893
The Resident Patient RESI
The Strand Magazine August 1893
The Greek Interpreter GREE
The Strand Magazine September 1893
The Naval Treaty NAVA
The Strand Magazine October – November 1893
The Final Problem FINA
The Strand Magazine December 1893
The Hound of the Baskervilles HOUN
The Strand Magazine August 1891 – April 1902
The Adventure of the Empty House EMPT
The Strand Magazine October 1903
The Adventure of the Norwood Builder NORW
The Strand Magazine November 1903
The Adventure of the Dancing Men DANC
The Strand Magazine December 1903
The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist SOLI
The Strand Magazine January 1904
The Adventure of the Priory School PRIO
The Strand Magazine February 1904
The Adventure of Black Peter BLAC
The Strand Magazine March 1904
The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton CHAS
The Strand Magazine April 1904
The Adventure of the Six Napoleons SIXN
The Strand Magazine May 1904
The Adventure of the Three Students 3STU
The Strand Magazine June 1904
The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez GOLD
The Strand Magazine July 1904
The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter MISS
The Strand Magazine August 1904
The Adventure of the Abbey Grange ABBE
The Strand Magazine September 1904
The Adventure of the Second Stain SECO
The Strand Magazine December 1904
The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge WIST
The Strand Magazine September – October 1908
The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans BRUC
The Strand Magazine December 1908
The Adventure of the Devil’s Foot DEVI
The Strand Magazine December 1910
The Adventure of the Red Circle REDC
The Strand Magazine March – April 1911
The Disappearance of Lady Frances Carfax LADY
The Strand Magazine December 1911
The Adventure of the Dying Detective DYIN
The Strand Magazine December 1913
The Valley of Fear VALL
The Strand Magazine September 1914 – May 1915
His Last Bow LAST
The Strand Magazine September 1917
The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone MAZA
The Strand Magazine October 1921
The Problem of Thor Bridge THOR
The Strand Magazine February – March 1922
The Adventure of the Creeping Man CREE
The Strand Magazine March 1923
The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire SUSS
The Strand Magazine January 1924
The Adventure of the Three Garridebs 3GAR
The Strand Magazine January 1925
The Adventure of the Illustrious Client ILLU
The Strand Magazine February – March 1925
The Adventure of the the Three Gables 3GAB
The Strand Magazine October 1926
The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier BLAN
The Strand Magazine November 1926
The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane LION
The Strand Magazine December 1926
The Adventure of the Retired Colourman RETI
The Strand Magazine January 1927
The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger VEIL
The Strand Magazine February 1927
The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place SHOS
The Strand Magazine April 1927